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Ph.D. in Earth & Planetary Science, Hokkaido University, JAPAN, 2022

M.S. in Earth & Planetary Science, Hokkaido University, JAPAN, 2019

B.S. in Earth & Planetary Science, Hokkaido University, JAPAN, 2017

Research experience


Technical skills:

  1. High pressure fluid mixture synthesis and development of Raman based barometer and thermometer.

  2. Determination of PTX properties of fluid inclusions by cooling-heating stage and Raman spectroscopy.

  3. Extraction of the shape parameter from individual fluid inclusions by digital microscope.

  4. Estimation of equilibrium temperature from major element composition measured by EPMA.

  5. General sample preparation for fluid inclusion researches.


Soft skills:
  1. Stress distribution analysis of host-fluid inclusion systems by finite element method (COMSOL Multiphysics).
  2. Simulation of heat transport by laser heating during Raman analysis by using finite-difference method (VBA).
  3. Spectrum analysis for extracting PTX properties of fluids from measured Raman spectra (GRAMS/AI).
  4. Data analysis and statistic (R and Origin).
  5. General use of office suites and Illustrater.
2017 Major element contents measured by EPMA (JXA–8800R, JEOL)
2017 Volatiles in fluid inclusions measured by a high-spectral resolution micro-Raman spectrometer (STR, Airix)
​2017 Volatiles in fluid inclusions measured by heating/cooling stage (THMS600, Linkam Scientific Instruments Ltd)
2018   Measurement of size and coordinates of fluid inclusions by digital microscope (VHX-5000; Keyence Co.)
2018   Creation of high pressure and temperature fluid mixture using high pressure optical cell (PC-400MS, Syn Co. Ltd.) 
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