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Academic background

Mar, 2013, Graduated from Tochigi Prefectural Moka High School

Apr, 2013 to Mar, 2017, Hokkaido University, Bachelor (Graduate School of Science)

Apr, 2017 to Mar, 2019, Hokkaido University,  Master (Graduate School of Science)

Apr, 2019 to Mar, 2022, Hokkaido University,  Ph.D. (Graduate School of Science)

Apr, 2019 to Mar, 2022, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science research fellow (DC1) (Hokkdaido University, Japan)

Sep, 2021 to Dec, 2021, Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (University of Pavia , Italy)

Apr, 2022 to present, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science research fellow (PD) (JAMSTEC)

Sep, 2022 to Dec, 2022, University of Pavia, University of Turin, Paul Scherrer Institute (Research activities at overseas research institutions during the JSPS PD employment period)

Technical skills

  1. EPMA (JXA–8800R, JEOL).
  2. ​Nitrogen isotope ratios measurements in fluid inclusions by crushing method (VG 3600; GV Instruments Ltd.).
  3. Determination of density and composition in fluid inclusions by Raman spectroscopy (STR, Airix; RAMANtouchVIS-HP-MAST, Nanophoton; LabRam HR Evolution, HORIBA Scientific).
  4. ​Determination of volatile substances in fluid inclusions by heating and cooling stages (THMS600, Linkam Scientific Instruments Ltd.).
  5. Measurement of the order-disorder transition temperature of Cr-spinel using a heating stage (TS1500, Linkam Scientific Instruments Ltd.).
  6. Determination of the shape and coordinates of fluid inclusions by digital microscopy (VHX-5000; Keyence Co.).
  7. Preparation of high temperature and high pressure fluids using a high pressure optical cell (PC-400MS, Syn Co. Ltd.).
  8. ​Preparation of doubly-polished thick section for inclusion analysis.

Soft skills

  1. Stress distribution analysis around inclusions using the finite element method (COMSOL Multiphsics).
  2. Evaluation of the effect of laser heating of a sample during Raman spectroscopy by finite element and difference methods  (COMSOL Multiphsics, VBA).
  3. Spectral analysis (GRAMS/AI).
  4. Data analysis and statistics (R, Origin).
  5. Image Processing and Graphics (ImageJ, ggplot2, illustrater).
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